Sunday, June 11, 2006

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Oh It's a question that's been asked so many times. The human mind wants to change and prove to God that we can be better. It wants to work for something that is of infinite value. It can't fathom that something we ALL need could be free. So in an attempt to put our efforts to rest, and let He that is able to do all things answer our need lets take a look at what how the Word answers the question.

ACTS 16:39-34 KJV

You must believe, simple as that. Clearly, Repentance is not a requirement for salvation or it would have been told to the Jailer. Repentance is a gift, something that is given to you. It is a requirement for a relationship with God, but not for Salvation - or being saved. If it were then we would be required to earn our salvation and would give us reason to boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV

Now what must you believe? Well they told him "the word of the Lord" - The Gospel of Christ Jesus (not of John the Baptist which was repentance). I Cor 15:1-8 KJV

Yes you must believe the full Gospel of Christ in order to believe in Him, and so in order to be Saved. IF you deny that Christ is Risen then you do not share in His death and resurrection and ascension, in which you would have died unto sin, been "Born Again" unto Life and risen to life in Christ together with Him in the Heavenlies. Rom 6:3-11 KJV Eph 2:6 KJV

I truly hope this has been a help to free you from trying to earn a free gift. You must believe only, and wholly the full Gospel of Christ Jesus. Died Sinless, Buried, Risen Bodily, and Ascended to Heaven. If any one part is not believe, or worse not true, then there is no Salvation in Him. If you do believe all of this then HE has finished the work. You have been crucified and risen with Him. Sanctification is filled with repentance and effort - though the fruitfulness of it is a work of the Spirit not you.

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