Saturday, September 02, 2006

Tracts instead of making tracks this week

This week saw sorrow turn to victory, and yet things still conspired to keep our group for heading out on the streets to witness. So my wife and I dropped of a couple of tracts down town.

A week ago tonight I was deeply sad and wondering how that could change any time soon. Thankfully God knew exactly where I was, and how long I needed to be there.

This week I'm back to walking in victory. Others can scoff or stare all they like. It's His life in me now. That's how I can go on. That's how I can live with joy.

I'll be back playing with the worship band again soon. This is a very nice change. Though it won't be the focus of my service, it's just great to be able to do it again. I've got a few new songs I'd love my church to hear.

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