Thursday, April 13, 2006

God of Justice and Mercy

Why did God the Father let God the Son to die for our sins?

I wonder how many times that question has been asked in the last 2000+ years. I doubt any of us could even come close with a guess. It's a question I've asked many times. I've found and been given several reasons, and most were true. There was so much accomplished on the Cross that there is a multitude of things that God did it for.

Just so we're all on the same page, He came, died, and rose again to pay the price for the sin debt of the world. The world is stained with sin, He came to wash that stain out (not off, but that's another topic) with is very own Blood. So we could be clean in the sight of God.

That's the why He did it, that was His purpose. But, we ask, why did the Lover of Our Souls have to DIE!?!

This is my paraphrase of a message I heard on the radio today - if I could remember the name of the preacher I surely would give credit. This isn't mine, but I agree with it. I of course will use my own style in presentation.

Well God says He's a just God. He also says He can not lie. So since we have all sinned, and the wages of sin is death then we all need to die. Period, right? Well... God also says He's a merciful God. And, He cannot lie. So we must all be given mercy and go free then right? We can do whatever we want because God is merciful and so He must forgive us. Period, right?

The truth my friends is this. God is both just and merciful. If He were all just we would all be put to death and have no hope. If He were all merciful we would live in a world where anyone could do anything, hurt anyone and God would honor it. Neither option is very pleasant is it? So, since God is also the source of wisdom, and therefore all wise, He has the only solution. HE has paid the price for OUR sin debt. Because He wants to have fellowship with us, and He can not fellowship with the unrighteous, He has had to make us righteous. We cannot do this for ourselves. However, because He is also just, the debt had to be paid. The only one who could pay the debt was He Himself. We corrupt, vial beings could not pay the debt we have incurred. So He has paid it for us.

Thereby He honors His eternal character, and ensures we have a future with Him.

Jesus HAD to die, to pay the price for our sin because God is BOTH just, AND merciful. There is no other way to satisfy both characteristics of our heavenly father. Our part in this is to believe in Christ which means to believe so much that we rely on Him. Not simply know He's real, as the demons all know He's real and they do not share in the redeeming blessing from His work on the Cross.

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