Thursday, March 30, 2006

PAPA Prayer

So I stopped off at Blessings yesterday and found a neat little book on prayer. Now I'm not normally one to buy books that cover topics which are clearly dealt with in the Word. Therefore you won't find many "christian" books in my home, other than the many Bibles that is. I have lots of stuff from Answers in Genesis as well. So why did I pick this book up?

Well there was a page near the front asking the reader if they had ever asked for something from God and not gotten it.

It was clear from the back page and from the introduction that this book wasn't some "formula" to "ensure" God would answer your prayers. There was something different about this book. From the little I read in it at the store it seemed to be about changing how we relate to God so that we could hear His voice.

I'm just over half-way through it now and I have to say it's already had a great effect on our prayer life. The book is about actually relating to God as though He were a real person. Who would have thunk of that? Well after going back to the Word, Jesus thought of prayer that way, and so did Paul.

What's the big difference? Well instead prayer going "God, You're great! Give me this that and the other thing. Help this person and that. Please work in this situation. Thank You Lord, I pray in Jesus' name." This book leads you to be HONEST with God. Shows you how to relate with Him in a real way. To be honest with Him and tell Him about yourself and how you see Him right now. In the end you are in a dialog with God, and you start asking Him for the true wants of your soul, and you start to get to KNOW Him, instead of just knowing OF Him.

So far I'm really digging the book. The Author is humble and isn't marketing this as the next great way to get a new car out of God. He's simply explaining how He's come to know God better.

We could all use a more close relationship with God don't you?

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