Monday, November 07, 2005

The Wages of Sin

We all love to inherit stuff don't we? Many people think it's a good thing.

Have you ever wondered why the Word calls death the "wages of sin"? Just as an inheritance is paid to you, or if you actually inherit a debt you have to pay it, we have inherited Adam's sin debt. We have to pay his debt.

Everyone on the planet is related to Adam, even Eve who was made from him. Together they produced the whole of humanity. Adam died with a sin debt, and all of the generations beyond him have inherited it.

This is what is meant by the "wages of sin". The payment for sin is death. When Adam sinned God cursed all of creation, as Adam had been given dominion over it. All creation was to know death, corruption, disease and decay. This is why the world is the way it is today. It was created perfect, and it was cursed because of sin.

Thankfully, for those who believe the Gospel (The Good News!) we can avoid the eternal death that is the wages of sin. What's this Good News? Jesus came to earth, led a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins (paying the sin debt we owe), was buried, raised from the grave in a bodily resurrection on the third day after His crucifixion, and after a short time rose to sit at the right hand of the Father where He is now intercessing for us.

If you believe that, then your sin debt has been paid in full. Not because of how good you might be, but because of how good He is.

Here's some good news for those of you who don't believe it yet, but want to. Pray about it. Do an honest investigation of the Word. Test it. If you honestly seek God you will find Him. Whatever you find out through your investigation follow it, as long as it was a truly honest investigation.

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