Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Study and Praise

My study of purity at Setting Captives Free is continuing, and I very much suggest this course. Additionally I've begun studying at BBN Bible Institute.

Currently I'm studying I John at BBNBI. Previously I hadn't believed that it contained any sort of "test" to see if you're saved or not. But it seems it does, though not in the dogmatic way that many people have tried to portray it. It's a "family letter" written to believers and there is much in it that gets twisted to serve legalistic purposes.

I suspect I'll write a post about my learning when I'm finished. It's been a very long time since I've posted, a couple of weeks anyway.

In the praise department I have to say God is good, all the time. He's been granting me victory, rest and peace. There are things in life which are wonderful, but there's nothing better than peace with God.


Anonymous said...

HI, thanks for the entry about the BBNBI! We are seeing many people around the world sign up. We recently launched the BI in Chinese and in a couple of weeks one in Spanish.

To God be the Glory!

Kevl said...

Hey Joey!

You found my little blog! I have a few really cool readers but I wouldn't think this will get much exposure to you guys.

I'm LOVING the school.
