Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Behold all things ARE new! Talk about a weekend. I could spend the rest of my life talking about the last four days. To keep up with my identification with Paul, I feel like I was on the road to Damascus. I was blinded and for three days I was lead by believers in to the city. When I was there and broken, my sight was given to me. Not only that but my sight was greatly restored.

We're talking life changing, amazing, seemingly impossilbe sort of restoration. If I were to talk about the fruits of just yesterday it would take me a day to write it down here.

Thank you all who prayed for me this weekend. You held me up as we should be doing for each other. It was fruitful. I now know my calling!! AND I have a small lesson for all of you. And yes I mean all. :)

When you are listening for the voice of God. And it gets to the point where you don't think He's going to speak to you. Take a moment and replay the recent past. He likely already has. My calling was revealed on Saturday, but I didn't KNOW it until Monday night when my brother in Christ was the third person to confirm it. Suddenly, everything became clear. My point is, when you're asking for His voice, be aware this prayer may have already been answered. He knew us before the foundations of the world were laid. I'm guessing He knows what we're going to pray for as well.

God revealed to me this weekend, much in the same way as Christ called Peter a rock when he was still foolish, that I will be a Teacher. By His strength, and wholly for His glory. God saw Peter as he would be in Christ. He is seeing me as the teacher I will be in Christ. Thank you God!! Abba Father!

One last thing. When I was asking for protection. When I was asking for direction. When I was broken and laying everything at His feet. His simple reply, that spoke, and has spoken volumes everytime He's uttered it, was I AM. Thank you Lord! I'll leave that mystery for you to figure out, for now.

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