I know a thing or two about character assassination, like many people I've been a victim of it.. like even more people I have taken part in the vileness of it. At one my normal internet hangouts.. I have been chatting about prominant Christians... and their past mistakes. When is it ok to call someone on their error.. when is it ok to call heresy, well heresy? But more importantly, when is it proper to stop holding something against someone? Is there forgiveness available to a Pastor who says on live television that there is more than one way to get to Heaven than just Jesus Christ? (this clearly being in contradiction to the Bible, John 14:6 being an example of why)
Can this person continue in ministry? Can they be restored to ministry?
I personally think yes they can be restored! If there is a person so evil that God can not restore them then what hope is there for any of us? If Jesus' blood is not sufficient then it wasn't finished on the Cross ( John 19:30 ) and He didn't really die to take away the sin of the World ( John 1:29 ) nor was God satisfied for all our sins by His sacrifice ( 1 John 2:2 ).
I personally choose to believe the Bible that Jesus' blood paid for it all. That even a man who commits heresy on live Cable TV can be restored. And lacking evidence that the man hasn't been restored I will treat him as though he has been.
Does anyone have any thoughts to add?
Hi Kev,
I don't know if you've ever heard of Henry Cloud and John Townsend, but they wrote about the need for grace AND truth in any relationship. Jesus was filled with both and so we too need to be filled with both. A lot of times I get the impression that people are so focused on truth that they forget grace. I think of John Mark who Paul didn't take along with him, causing a split between him and Barnabas, because Paul focused on John Mark's failure. Later, Paul wrote that John Mark was "useful to him for ministry." This shows how truth and grace work together. I hold people accountable, but I forgive them when they fall. What a wonderful God we serve!
Tom <><
He is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! :)
I love this sentiment "I hold people accountable, but I forgive them when they fall."
I've had my character torn apart, however that and a preacher sinning in a public and dramatic way is very different. I do not agree with free grace guy: Henry Cloud and I very must disagree. I read his book and he wrote that it is ok for Christians and non-christians to date. But Pastors who publically disgrace the name of Christ cannot be put back into the pulpit. Its not a matter of restoration or forgiveness or grace: its about example. MacArthur preaches a sermon on this subject, it was really great. But divorce after conversion, should disqualify a man from holding church office unless it was adultry which is the only biblical allowance for divorce.
Hi Grigs,
You said But Pastors who publically disgrace the name of Christ cannot be put back into the pulpit.Its not a matter of restoration or forgiveness or grace: its about example. MacArthur preaches a sermon on this subject, it was really great.
I wonder if you'd be able to 'defend' that position without citing the controversial John MacArthur?
You also said ut divorce after conversion, should disqualify a man from holding church office unless it was adultry which is the only biblical allowance for divorce.
The qualifications (in both Timothy and TItus) say he's the "husband" of one wife, and that his home is in order.
If the person is divorced how can this be fulfilled?
The different interpretations and doctrines evident in even these few comments on one post at one site lead me back to Kevin's reference to "heresy." People who have studied Greek, which I haven't, tell me that the word "heresy" has its root in a work meaning party or faction. In this sense, I believe orthodoxy is merely the heresy currently in power, not the residence of truth. Since we know there IS a truth, it is not relative to our own frame of mind, today's mood, the latest cultural fad, it is difficult NOT to be able to deny another's orthodoxy as heresy. But at best, each of us can only see a few small facets of the ultimate truth, so we should be careful to denounce the fruits of those who err, which we can measure and weigh, rather than finding heresy in their words. That said, if I think you are wrong, I will say so, I may even quote Scripture to explain why I think so, but I keep in mind that I could be wrong too.
What a good post Siarlys Jenkins. Thanks for making it.
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