Thursday, May 18, 2006

Above and Among

While we're on the topic of women I want to mention a thought about Mary the virgin mother of Jesus. And yes she was a virgin, but I'll leave that for another day's topic.

Many people in the world nearly or even actually do worship Mary calling her things like "The Mother of God", "Co-Intercessor with Christ".... and so on. Some of this folly comes from the statement made by the Holy Spirit made through Elisabeth (the previously barren woman who the Lord God chose to mother John The Baptist) to Mary. Luke 1 :41-42

"And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit: And she spoke out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb."

Now Elisabeth was pregnant with John the Baptist at the time and John was filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit even while he was still in her womb.

OK so Mary is "blessed among women". Yes she surely was!! Does this make her worthy of worship? Not at all.

So, lets just put a nail in this topic, at least as far as Luke 1:41-42 goes. Check out Judges 5:24

"Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent."

Jael is the woman who put a tent peg through the escaping Sisera's head. She simply did what was required of her for God's people. For this the Angle of the Lord calls her "Blessed above women".

So Mary is blessed among women, and Jael is blessed above women. Yet, I've never heard of a group of people worshiping Jael.

Mary was truly blessed to carry Jesus the Son of God, but she is not the "mother of God". The triune God, including The Father, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit existed before the foundations of the world were laid. Mary was not created until just slightly more than 2000 years ago. She is not the Mother of God, but the earthen vessel who was blessed to carry Him into this world.

Let it be understood she was an obedient believer and must have been an amazing woman. Joseph must have been an incredible man as well. But I'll not be praying to either of them. My prayers go to the Father in the name of His precious son Christ Jesus.

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