Sunday, May 14, 2006

Study, Tools and My Changing Attitudes

So, I'm making the change from the Amplified (AMP) translation of the Bible to the KJV, specifically the previously mentioned Evidence Bible. The AMP is great in that it spells out concepts and meanings for a modern English reader who might have a hard time picking up from the KJV. However, like all things man-made it's got some "issues" [errors]. The KJV is the most accurate English text of the Bible available. This can be confirmed by study on your own. Reading it ought reveal this to you, however you can study the topic as well. Many people will be offended by the above statement. If you let me know about your offense, as my Pastor would say "I'll pray for you".

Simply reading what KJV says, and then comparing it to NIV, NKJV, AMP, The Message... and so on will show you there are grave differences between the translations. Seeing as KJV was the only English version available for 400 years, and God promised to preserve His Word it seems that KJV must be authentic.

OK so that's why I've made the switch to KJV. And to soften your hearts I will re-state that the Evidence Bible KJV is much easier to read having the Thees and Thous removed. The rest of the language is the same however.

Now how am I able to go from modern translations back to KJV and still maintain my study? Well with some serious help from the Holy Spirit for sure. Without Him there can be no revelation and learning anyway.

That being said a GREAT tool I've been using is E-Sword which is a fantastic and FREE Bible software suite. You can download, legally and free, bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, Strong's Concordance and Lexicon, maps, graphics, study guides.... on and on. I now study with E-Sword open to the KJV+ bible, which is KJV with Strong's Numbers. Then I click on or hover over a word I don't understand and Strong's gives me the Hebrew or Greek word it was translated from and the meaning of that Hebrew or Greek word - not the meaning of the English word. This has deepened my study wonderfully!

I'm going to be touching on Junia and my thoughts on women's roles in the Church. I'm surprised to learn myself that many of us have been terribly wrong on this issue. I must confirm my new understanding with more study before I post it here. However I encourage you all to study these things as well.

*please note, I have not indicated here that any translation is "evil." However, I do have serious problems with those who would add/take away from God's Word. I have personally been able to learn from several translations myself, including KJV, NIV, NKJV, and the AMP. I don't have the required knowledge to compare the various translations here. However, after having studied several myself, I have seen disagreement between them. This does not jive well with the "be of one mind" statements that Paul gives us. The Word is without error (John 10:35, Mat 5:18). If there is disagreement between the texts of different versions then we have added in error and should be ashamed and are justified in being terrified of the coming Wrath!

All this being said, I will likely from time to time still link to AMP verses if I feel it clarifies the point for those who might not understand. Though I hope to link more to the Hebrew or Greek, but that's a hope right now.

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